I developed a love for the great outdoors and nature as a young boy that spent many hours in the mountains of Utah hiking, skiing, fishing, and camping. I came to appreciate the miraculous scenes that occasionally appear as if they are gifts from God. As a young adult I continued my adventures in nature and began to develop an interest in photography. Photography provided a way to capture memories and experiences from my outdoor adventures. I purchased an SLR camera and began developing my skills using color slides as a medium.
School, work and raising a family limited my time to devote my new photography hobby. Also, I was somewhat frustrated by my inability to capture great pictures every time. I put the camera on the shelf for many years due to the higher priorities mentioned above.
I graduated from college as an engineer and found myself working in the field of inspection technology development. This career path exposed me to new measurement methods in optical, ultrasound, and x-ray radiation imaging. In around 2003 I decided to dust off my limited photographic skills and give photography a try again. I purchased a new digital SLR camera and headed off into the mountains.
Advanced technologies in sensors, optics and also image processing made such a difference in being able to accurately capture the scenes in nature that I have grown to love. Photography is now a serious hobby for me. Mostly I enjoy getting out into nature with my wife to ‘capture the moment’. Good capture and image processing skills are needed to create the beautiful images that nature presents. I enjoy developing my skills in the technical side of this hobby as well.
Sharing images with others is a rewarding experience for me. My photography web site is designed to share my work in a way that is pleasant to both the eyes. It is my hope that those who view my site will experience an expansion of the soul spoken of by Mahatma Gandhi. After all it is God’s handwork that is being captured by the camera.
“When I admire the wonders of a sunset or the beauty of the moon, my soul expands in the worship of the creator.” ~Mahatma Gandhi